
  • The value of your money is not set in stone. What happens when exchange rates are lowered by monetary authority? Are you about to pay more for less?

    Professor Richard Wolff joined Thom to discuss economics and how they affect you.

    Professor Wolff is an Economist / Co-founder, Democracy At Work / Author of numerous books - his latest is “The Sickness is the System: When Capitalism Fails to Save Us from Pandemics or Itself”.

    WATCH NEXT: Money Created Out of Thin Air? -

  • Conversations with Great Minds - Tim Noah, Journalist & Senior Editor-The New Republic / Author of the new book "The Great Divergence" / Contributing editor to The Washington Monthly and a frequent commentator on CBS News' Sunday Morning. America has become a nation of the haves - and the have nots - with a higher income inequality than the likes of Venezuela, Kenya and even Yemen. So what's brought us to this defining moment in American history - and how do we close the gap between the wealthy elite and everyone else?

  • Award-winning journalist and author, Amy Goodman joins Thom Hartmann for "Conversations with Great Minds." Tonight she'll discuss her work as a journalist and how she sees Democracy changing in this country. She has been on the forefront of developing truly independent grassroots political journalism that brings to light the alternative voices often excluded by the mainstream media. Amy's latest book is "Breaking the Sound Barrier" and explores the role and power of independent journalism in the struggle for a better world.

  • There's a new search engine on the web - and it's not afraid to stand up to the government and corporations - in order to protect your privacy rights For tonight's Conversations with Great Minds Thom is joined by Gabriel Weinberg - the CEO and founder of Duck Duck Go - a search engine that keeps its users' data personal and private.

  • Capitalism is in crisis, again. Do the writings of Karl Marx still have relevance as to why? Historian & Sociologist Robin Blackburn of the New Left Review joins Thom to discuss.

  • Dr. Seyyed Hossein Nasr, George Washington University / Nasr Foundation joins Thom Hartmann. Islam - the world's second-biggest religion - is as diverse as the almost 1 point 6 billion people that comprise it. So why do so many Americans only see it as a vehicle for extremism and terrorism?

  • Ms. Gloria Steinem, feminist, journalist, and social & political activist / author (co-founder Ms Magazine / co-founder Women's Media Center w/Jane Fonda & Robin Morgan) joins Thom Hartmann

  • For tonight's Conversations with Great Minds - we're going to take a closer look at the modern Republican Party and where it's going with one of the foremost experts on the topic. John Kenneth White is a Professor of Politics at the Catholic University of America here in Washington, D.C. - where he specializes in political parties and the U.S. presidency. Professor White is also the author of numerous books - including his latest - "What Happened to the Republican Party?: And What It Means for American Presidential Politics."

    For more information on the stories we've covered visit our websites at - - and You can also watch tonight's show on Hulu - at BIG PICTURE and over at The Big Picture YouTube page. And - be sure to check us out on Facebook and Twitter!

  • For Conversations with Great Minds - Thom Hartmann speaks with Kumi Naidoo - a human rights activist - environmentalist - and Rhodes scholar who now serves as the International Executive Director of Greenpeace.

  • Is there a common thread running through all religions? Thom Hartmann guest, Bian C. Muraresku has taken a close look at the history of religion and the search for immortality and shares his experience in the extended video.

    Brian C. Muraresku joined Thom for our Conversations with Great Minds series.

    Brian C. Muraresku is an Alum of Brown University with a degree in Latin, Greek & Sanskrit. Alum of Georgetown Law practicing international law for 15 years. The Immortality Key is his debut book.

  • In Conversation with Great Minds, Thom Hartmann is joined by a renowned ecologist and paleoclimatolgist whose work is featured in dozens of scientific journals and periodicals including National Geographic with an interesting new perspective on climate change and the future of our planet. Climate Whiplash - Global warming to Global cooling?

  • In Conversation with Great Minds, Thom Hartmann is joined by a renowned ecologist and paleoclimatolgist whose work is featured in dozens of scientific journals and periodicals including National Geographic with an interesting new perspective on climate change and the future of our planet. Climate Whiplash - Global warming to Global cooling?

  • A special hour with Dr. Reza Aslan, No god but God: The Origins, Evolution, and Future of Islam / Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth joins Thom Hartmann for a special one hour Conversations w/Great Minds.

  • Brian Miller, Executive Director - United for a Fair Economy (UFE) & co-author of the new book The Self-Made Myth: And the Truth about How Government Helps Individuals and Businesses Succeed. Donald Trump and other 1 percenters will tell you they succeeded without help from the government - but our Great Mind for tonight will say that's not true. How has the self-made myth taken over American society - and how can we challenge it?

  • Fox News is brainwashing America, how can we fight back against political propaganda? A radio changed Jen Senko's dad and divided... what can heal that divide? Jen Senko reveals how Fox News brainwashed her dad and how we can fight back in Thom Hartmann's Conversations with Great Minds

    Jen Senko joined Thom to discuss her book following the brainwashing of her father by Fox News.

  • For tonight's Conversations with Great Minds - Thom is joined by David Korten. David is an economist, author, and former Professor of the Harvard Business School. His political activism has made him a prominent critic of corporate globalization. His 2006 book "The Great Turning: From Empire to Earth Community" argues that the development of empires about 5,000 years ago initiated unequal distribution of power and social benefits to a small portion of the population.