
  • While the East Coast is digging out from the latest massive Winter Storm - the West Coast is dealing with a devastating drought. How much more severe weather does America need before lawmakers in Washington get serious about fighting climate change?

  • Joining Thom for tonight's Conversations with Great Minds are Evan Weber - Co-Founder of USClimate Plan - and Angela Anderson - Director of the Climate and Energy Program with the Union of Concerned Scientists. While the East Coast is digging out from the latest massive Winter Storm - the West Coast is dealing with a devastating drought. How much more severe weather does America need before lawmakers in Washington get serious about fighting climate change?

  • For many Americans - success means money and money means success. That's why even after the biggest financial crisis since the Great Depression - a job at a top-notch investment bank still holds allure for many young Americans starting their professional lives. But is working on Wall Street really worth it? For tonight's Conversations With Great Minds - I'm joined by someone who lived the life of a Wall Street millionaire and left it all behind. Sam Polk spent most of his 20's working as a trader for high-powered Wall Street investment firms - but at 30 he decided to leave the world of finance for good. Since then - he has become a successful nonprofit entrepreneur and has written about his time on Wall Street for The New York Times and Forbes Magazine.

  • For many Americans - success means money and money means success. That's why even after the biggest financial crisis since the Great Depression - a job at a top-notch investment bank still holds allure for many young Americans starting their professional lives. But is working on Wall Street really worth it? For tonight's Conversations With Great Minds - I'm joined by someone who lived the life of a Wall Street millionaire and left it all behind. Sam Polk spent most of his 20's working as a trader for high-powered Wall Street investment firms - but at 30 he decided to leave the world of finance for good. Since then - he has become a successful nonprofit entrepreneur and has written about his time on Wall Street for The New York Times and Forbes Magazine.

  • Congressman Keith Ellison(D-MN, 5th District) / Author of the new book, My Country 'Tis of Thee: My Faith, My Family, Our Future joins Thom Hartmann.

  • Congressman Keith Ellison(D-MN, 5th District) / Author of the new book, My Country 'Tis of Thee: My Faith, My Family, Our Future joins Thom Hartmann.

  • Robert Borosage, Campaign for America's Future & Richard Eskow, Campaign for America's Future join Thom Hartmann. There's an old saying that once the last man who remembers the last great war dies, the next great war is inevitable. Have we reached that point in American politics? After Boomers like Henry Waxman retire, will anyone stand up for the policies that used to make our country prosperous? Let's talk about that period of post-War prosperity in America. Was it an accident of history or a conscious decision by people like FDR to create a middle class?

  • Robert Borosage, Campaign for America's Future & Richard Eskow, Campaign for America's Future join Thom Hartmann. There's an old saying that once the last man who remembers the last great war dies, the next great war is inevitable. Have we reached that point in American politics? After Boomers like Henry Waxman retire, will anyone stand up for the policies that used to make our country prosperous? Let's talk about that period of post-War prosperity in America. Was it an accident of history or a conscious decision by people like FDR to create a middle class?

  • Leigh Gallagher, Fortune /The End of The Suburbs: Where the American Dream is Moving joins Thom Hartmann. In the 1960s and 1970s - Americans fled decaying cities for the peace and quiet of the suburbs. Now - their children are fleeing the suburbs for the hustle and bustle of the big city. Is this trend just a blip on the demographic radar or a sign that suburban life is on its way to the dustbin of history?

  • Leigh Gallagher, Fortune /The End of The Suburbs: Where the American Dream is Moving joins Thom Hartmann. In the 1960s and 1970s - Americans fled decaying cities for the peace and quiet of the suburbs. Now - their children are fleeing the suburbs for the hustle and bustle of the big city. Is this trend just a blip on the demographic radar or a sign that suburban life is on its way to the dustbin of history?

  • Jamal Abdi, National Iranian American Council (NIAC) & Kate Gould, Friends Committee on National Legislation & John Isaacs, Center for Arms Control & Nonproliferation /Council for a Liveable World join Thom Hartmann. On Monday - the interim nuclear deal with Iran went into effect. That deal is the best chance yet to avoid yet another war in the Middle East. So why are 59 Senators trying to sabotage it?

  • Jamal Abdi, National Iranian American Council (NIAC) & Kate Gould, Friends Committee on National Legislation & John Isaacs, Center for Arms Control & Nonproliferation /Council for a Liveable World join Thom Hartmann. On Monday - the interim nuclear deal with Iran went into effect. That deal is the best chance yet to avoid yet another war in the Middle East. So why are 59 Senators trying to sabotage it?

  • Although the Washington, DC metro area is the wealthiest urban area in the country - many DC residents struggle with backbreaking poverty. So how can the city use its recent economic success to give everyone a shot at the American dream? I'll ask Andy Shallal - candidate for mayor of the District of Columbia.

  • Although the Washington, DC metro area is the wealthiest urban area in the country - many DC residents struggle with backbreaking poverty. So how can the city use its recent economic success to give everyone a shot at the American dream? I'll ask Andy Shallal - candidate for mayor of the District of Columbia.

  • Gino Campana and Kristin Kirkpatrick, Bellisimo, Inc. & Tracy Wiedt, Let's Move! Cities, Towns & Counties all Join Thom Hartmann. Now more than ever - Americans are trying to eat local - farm-fresh food. So how do we design communities to help them do that?

  • Gino Campana and Kristin Kirkpatrick, Bellisimo, Inc. & Tracy Wiedt, Let's Move! Cities, Towns & Counties all Join Thom Hartmann. Obesity has become an epidemic in America. So how do we design communities that encourage healthy habits?