Great Minds P2: David Cahn - When Millennials Rule...
Turn on the news these days and you're bound to hear some kind of fretting about millennials and their views on the world. Usually - the conversation revolves around questions like "why are millennials so lazy?" or "why do they spend so much time on social media?" - and while questions like that are kind of trite - they have a point. Millennials ARE different from other generations. Very - different in fact - especially when it comes to politics. My guest for tonight's Conversations with Great Minds has tried to find out why. Joining me now now is David Cahn. David is a journalist - an activist - a national leader of the Junior State of America - and an experienced campaign organizer. He also writes for the Huffington Post and along with his brother Jack - is the co-author of "When Millennials Rule: The Reshaping of America."
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