
  • Jim Hightower, Swim Against The Current: Even A Dead Fish Can Go With The Flow, joins Thom. The media has dubbed this presidential election the "populist moment." But what does it actually mean to be populist?

    For more information on the stories we've covered visit our websites at - - and You can also watch tonight's show on Hulu - at BIG PICTURE and over at The Big Picture YouTube page. And - be sure to check us out on Facebook and Twitter!

  • Seymour Hersh, The Killing of Osama bin Laden, joins Thom. For tonight's Conversations with Great Minds I'm joined by one of America's most importatn journalists - legendary investigative reporter Seymour Hersh. Mr. Hersh has broken some of the most important stories of the past half century - and his revelations abou the My Lai Massacre and Abu Ghraib prison quite literally changed the course of American and world history. He's also won numerous awards for his work - including the Pulitzer Prize - and is also the author of a number of books - including his latest "The Killing of Osama Bin Laden" - a deep dive into the real story of the Obama years.

    For more information on the stories we've covered visit our websites at - - and You can also watch tonight's show on Hulu - at BIG PICTURE and over at The Big Picture YouTube page. And - be sure to check us out on Facebook and Twitter!

  • During his first presidential campaign - then Senator Barack Obama said that people would look back on his time in office and say that that was the "moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal" But has he really lived up to his own high standard on climate policy? I'll ask Dr. Michael Dorsey in tonight's Conversations with Great Minds. Dr. Michael Dorsey is currently the Interim Director of the Energy and Environment Program at the Joint Center for Political and Economic studies - where he works to combine the study of climate policy with the study of social justice issues. Before taking this position - Dr. Dorsey taught environmental studies at Wesleyan University and Darthmouth University. He was also a member of Barack Obama's energy and environment campaign team in 2008 and is on the Environmental Protection Agency's national advisory committee.

  • Seymour Hersh, The Killing of Osama bin Laden, joins Thom. Seymour Hersh, The Killing of Osama bin Laden, joins Thom. For tonight's Conversations with Great Minds I'm joined by one of America's most importatn journalists - legendary investigative reporter Seymour Hersh. Mr. Hersh has broken some of the most important stories of the past half century - and his revelations abou the My Lai Massacre and Abu Ghraib prison quite literally changed the course of American and world history. He's also won numerous awards for his work - including the Pulitzer Prize - and is also the author of a number of books - including his latest "The Killing of Osama Bin Laden" - a deep dive into the real story of the Obama year.

    For more information on the stories we've covered visit our websites at - - and You can also watch tonight's show on Hulu - at BIG PICTURE and over at The Big Picture YouTube page. And - be sure to check us out on Facebook and Twitter!

  • Bob Edgar joins Thom Hartmann tonight for Conversations with Great Minds. He has an extraordinary resume: author, pastor, former Congressman and CEO of the non-profit organization "Common Cause." We'll discuss his time in office and the issues he's now taking on of war, peace, and the corruption of the Supreme Court.

  • Kim Gandy, National Network to End Domestic Violence & Eleanor Smeal, Feminist Majority Foundation & Jodi Jacobson, RH Reality Check all join Thom Hartmann.

  • While the East Coast is digging out from the latest massive Winter Storm - the West Coast is dealing with a devastating drought. How much more severe weather does America need before lawmakers in Washington get serious about fighting climate change?

  • Author Irshad Manji joins the Thom Hartmann Program for our Conversations with Great Minds series

    Starting with Irshad Manji's understanding of Ilhan Omar and the controversy surrounding the accusations of an anti-Semitic tweet and moving on to how we as a divided society can learn to see each other as much than just our labels.

    The Book, Don't Label Me:

  • For tonight's Conversations with Great Minds - I'm joined by award-winning journalist Sebastian Junger. Currently a contributing editor at Vanity Fair - Sebastian is also a filmmaker and the co-director of the academy-award nominated film Restrepo - which won the Grand Jury Award at the Sundance Film Festival. He's also the author a number of books - including the bestelling Perfect Storm - which was made into the film starring George Clooney - and his latest - "Tribe: On Homecoming and Belonging" - a fascinating look at the breakdown of community in America - and what it means for returning veterans.

    For more information on the stories we've covered visit our websites at - - and You can also watch tonight's show on Hulu - at BIG PICTURE and over at The Big Picture YouTube page. And - be sure to check us out on Facebook and Twitter!

  • Kaitlin Bell Barnett, author, Dosed: The Medication Generation Grows Up joins Thom Hartmann. America is filled with over-prescribed, pill-popping teenagers. How do the psychotropic drugs teenagers take affect them as they grow and develop - and who's to blame for America's drug addiction?

  • For tonight's Conversation With Great Minds - I'm joined by one of the country's foremost experts on nuclear security and nuclear nonproliferation. As the president of the global security organization the Ploughshares Fund - Jospeh Cirincione is on the frontline of the fight to prevent the spread of dangerous nuclear weapons. He is also a member of Secretary of State John Kerry's International Security Advisory Board and the Council on Foreign Relations. Before taking his position at the Ploughshares Fund in 2008 - Joseph worked on nonproliferation issues for the U.S. House of Representatives - Center for American Progress - and the Carnegie Center for International Peace. He is the author of a number of books on nuclear weapons policy - including his latest -"Nuclear Nightmares: Securing the World Before It Is Too Late" - a fascinating - and often sobering - look at the reality of modern day nuclear destruction.

  • For tonight's Conversations with Great Minds - I'm joined by one of America's leading experts on nutrition - someone who's been a big influence on people looking to lead healthy lives - including me! Dr. Michael Greger is a licensed Medical Doctor in general practice specializing in clinical nutrition - and a founding member and fellow at the American College of Lifestyle Medicine. He's also the Director of Public Health and Animal Agriculture at the Humane Society of the United States, and the founder of the Nutrition Facts dot org blog. Dr. Greger is also the author of a number of bestselling books - including his latest "How Not to Die: Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease.”

    For more information on the stories we've covered visit our websites at - - and You can also watch tonight's show on Hulu - at BIG PICTURE and over at The Big Picture YouTube page. And - be sure to check us out on Facebook and Twitter!

  • Thom's guest for tonight's Conversations with Great Minds is one of America's most influential thinkers on muliticulturalism and race - Professor Derald Wing Sue. Currently a Professor of Psychology and Education at the Teacher's College at Columbia University - Professor Sue has been at the forefront of some the most forward-thinking scholarship on race relations in America. His book "Microaggressions in Everyday Life" is now considered a classic of its kind - and it won the inaugural UnityFirst dot com National Diversity and Inclusion Book Prize .Professor Sue is also the co-founder and first President of the Asian American Psychological Association. His new book - "Race Talk and the Conspiracy of Silence: Understanding and Facilitating Difficult Dialogues on Race" - is a fascinating look into how we talk about race and racism.

  • Dr. Hussein Ibish, American Task Force on Palestine (ATFP) & Dylan J. Williams, JStreet join Thom Hartmann - Another view on the Middle East. Part 1

  • Former Senator Tom Hayden is an American social and political activist and politician, known for the anti-war and civil right movements of the 1960s.

  • Jamal Abdi, National Iranian American Council (NIAC) & Kate Gould, Friends Committee on National Legislation & John Isaacs, Center for Arms Control & Nonproliferation /Council for a Liveable World join Thom Hartmann. On Monday - the interim nuclear deal with Iran went into effect. That deal is the best chance yet to avoid yet another war in the Middle East. So why are 59 Senators trying to sabotage it?